After having looked on the world map where Michigan is located, the first invitation for the kids has been to find ways to make ourselves known. With the 2nd and 3rd grade groups in Seyðisfjörður we started from a dialogue around the question: HVAÐ ER SÉRSTAKT ÉG? / How am I special?
2nd Grade
The artists from Bulli interpret their surroundings to their friends in Kokkola
2019, Australia, FinlandCommentWe began Project 3 by listening to our Finnish friends and the audio files that they sent via email. The students were intrigued with the cold climate sounds of ice skates scratching on ice and snow squishing between shoes. The concept of a narrator was discussed, what does a good narrator do? I modeled to the class a narration of the classroom surroundings, and focused on the use of adjectives to give the listener a more engaging experience. It was a particularly hot day, with a lot of smoke in the atmosphere from nearby bushfires, we brainstormed what types of words we might use to describe the sounds, sights, and emotions. We had a trial run, using a voice recorder on iPads, of describing the playground outside the classroom. We listened back to these audio files, and debated what the narrator did well, and what they could do to improve. They worked in pairs with their partners giving advice on what aspects to record.
At the first attempt the students focused on creating sounds rather focusing on the natural sounds that occurred. They were scratching tree, stomping on the grass and concrete. Although this was good, I encouraged them to use their voices more and describe the world around them.
The second attempt was much more successful, with the students narrating the environment around them. The project guidelines outlined the approach of acting like a guide for our environment, and to give the listener a tour of the surroundings.
The 2nd graders from Mäntykankaan koulun in Kokkola, Finland are making and sharing art with the 1st and 2nd graders from Bulli Public School in Bulli, Australia.
Bringing the light from Australia to Finland
2019, 2nd Grade, Australia, FinlandCommentProjektin toisen osan toteutus viipyi meillä Kokkolassa opettajan työtapaturman ja sitä seuranneen sairausloman takia. Huomasimme, miten henkilösidonnaisia tällaiset projektit ovat. Ulkopuolinen sijainen ei pysty sisäistämään ja teettämään tehtävää niillä neuvoilla, joita opettaja kotoa käsin voi puhelimella tai sähköpostilla antaa. Tämä toisaalta todistaa sitä, että kuvataide on luonteeltaan sitoutumista ja innostumista vaativa pitkä ajatteluaprosessi. Ei mikään irrallinen ja helppo jäljennystehtävä, niin kun usein luullaan. Kuvataide on omien ajatusten näkyväksi tekemistä ja opettajan osa on johdattaa oppilaat tähän ajatteluun.
Luokkani oppilaat saivat arvotussa järjestyksessä valita Jeremyn luokan oppilaiden kuvista itselleen kirjekaverin, jonka muotokuvan he jäljensivät kuultopaperille. Ensimmäisenä tarkastelimme kuvien lapsia ja yritimme arvailla, millaisia he ovat. Tutkimme asentoja, ilmeitä, eleitä ja ulkonäköä. Joitain vastauksia saatiin, kun opettaja suomensi, mitä oppilaat olivat kertoneet itsestään. Muiden muassa Jeremyn luokan kaksoset herättivät kiinnostusta, kun huomattiin, että kuvissa on kaksi täysin samannäköistä tyttöä. Koska Bullin koulun oppilaita oli enemmän, kuin meitä, muutama oppilas halusi tehdä kahdesta oppilaasta kuvan.
Jatkoimme myös valokuvaamisesta ja valokuvista kuvataiteen keinona puhumista ja yritimme etsiä kuvista mahdollisimman paljon sävyjä ja värejä valkoisesta mustaan. Tutkimme kuvien valoja ja varjoja. Ensimmäiseksi oppilaat värittivät vaaleat eli valon kohdat kuvista. Sitä mukaa kun muotokuvat valmistuivat, ne kiinnitettiin luokan ikkunaan, josta tähän aikaan vuodesta tulee muutaman tunnin ajan valoa ulkoa. Päivä Suomessa on nyt todella lyhyt!
Oppilast kirjoittivat ystävilleen australiaan myös pienet kirjeen. Tehtävänä oli keksiä vähintään kolme kysymystä ja kertoa vähintään kolme asiaa itsestään. Tämä oli hyvä harjoitus myös kielen kannalta, koska olemme opetelleet virkkeen rakennetta : iso alkukirjain, verbi ja päättömerkki. Käänsimme kirjeet googlekääntäjän avulla englanniksi. Tulostetun kirjeen sai koristella mielensä mukaan. Valitettavasti Suomessa alkaa huomenna postilakko, joten kirjeet ja kuvat eivät nyt lähde mihinkään. Lähetämme huomenna niistä kuitenkin kuvat sähköpostilla, joten oppilaat näkevät, mitä posti tuo heille ennemmin tai myöhemmin.
Tehtävä oli mielestämme kaikin puolin mielenkiintoinen. Oli ihanaa ajatella, että maailman toisella puolella on samanikäisiä lapsia, jotka odottavat piirroksiamme ja kirjeitämme. Olemme aidosti kiinnostuneita tutustumaan Jeremyn luokkaan ja Australiaan ja elämään siellä. Oppilaat totesivatkin, että oppilaat näyttävät siellä ihan samanlaisilta kuin meillä kesällä. Täällä Kokkolassa onkin nyt marraskuun 10. päivänä ennätysaikaisin hiihtokeli ja paljon lunta. Välituntileikit taitavat nyt olla melko tavalla erilaisia!
Parhain terveisin Auli ja 2a Mäntykankaan koulu, Kokkola



The second Dear You project was delayed in Kokkola due to the accident at the teacher and the subsequent sick leave. We noticed how student-centered such projects are. The substitute teacher was unable to fulfill the assignment without the advice of the teacher. This, on the other hand, proves that Fine Art is a long process of thinking that requires commitment and enthusiasm. Not a loose and easy imitation task, as you often think. Visual art is about making one's own thoughts visible, and it is part of the teacher to guide students in that thinking.
Students in my class were given the chance to choose from a picture of Jeremy's classmates, in a prized order, a letter-buddy, whose portrait they copied on tracing paper. First we looked at the children in the pictures and tried to guess what they were like. We studied their postures, expressions, gestures and appearance. Some answers came when the teacher translated what the students had said about themselves. Among others, Jeremy's class twins aroused interest when it was discovered that there were two girls who looked exactly the same. Because there are more Bulli School students than us, few students wanted to take a picture of the two students.
We also continued to talk about photography. Photography as a means of fine art and tried to find as many shades and colors as possible from white to black. We examined the lights and shadows of the pictures. First, the students colored the light, or light spots, in the pictures. As the portraits were completed, they were attached to the classroom window, which at this time of the year will be exposed to light for several hours. The day in Finland is now really short!
Students also wrote short letters to their friends in Australia. The task was to come up with at least three questions and tell at least three things about themselves. This was also a good exercise for the language as we learned the structure of the sentence: capitalization, verb and ending. We used google translator to translate the letters into English. You could decorate the printed letter as you wish. Unfortunately, Finland will start a postal strike tomorrow, so now letters and pictures will not go anywhere. However, we will email them tomorrow, so students will see what the mail brings them sooner or later.
We thought the task was interesting in every way. It was wonderful to think that there were children of the same age on the other side of the world waiting for our drawings and letters. We are genuinely interested in getting to know Jeremy's class and Australia and living there. The students said that the students there look exactly like us in the summer. Here in Kokkola, on November 10th, there is a record-breaking ski run and plenty of snow. The break play now seems to be quite different!
Best regards,
Auli and 2a at Mäntykangas School, Kokkola
The 2nd graders from Mäntykankaan koulun in Kokkola, Finland are making and sharing art with the 1st and 2nd graders from Bulli Public School in Bulli, Australia.
Transposing friends in Kokkola from Bulli
2019, Australia, FinlandCommentNell’s transposition of Alisa.
The students here at Bulli Public School were very excited to see pictures of their art buddies (or “pen pals” as they’ve been saying). They were amazed that a lot of the qualities that they wrote about themselves (friendly, creative, funny, brave, etc) where also qualities that their Finnish friends also mentioned. We’re all different but the same !
For Dear You Project 2 we began by discussing what we thought about the person portrayed in the picture, and what emotions that came to mind. Initially common traits were spoken about, like “funny, nice, cool, friendly”. I encouraged them to think deeper, and to analyse what that person might be like if they met them in person. This prompted better responses like “wonderful, shy, helpful, imaginative, compassionate”.
Next, based on the range of transposition methods outlined in the YouTube clip supplied, we chose to trace onto blank paper via back lighting provided by a window. I modelled how to do this, emphasising how important it was to sketch every line and shadow, and not simply draw the outline of the person’s face. After the sketching stage I encouraged them to write down the qualities that they observed from the transposed image, and to add colour via pencils and pastel crayons.
After finishing the artworks, I encouraged them to write a message to their Finnish friends, in an effort to get to know them better. We used google translator to write our questions in Finnish.
After reflecting on the finished artworks the students observed that the personality traits a person has are the same no matter if the image is a photo, or a sketch. Also students noted that the transposed sketch intensified the emotions or feelings that the picture showed. For example, if a person looked “kind” from observing the photograph, the person looked even more so in the sketch. An interesting revelation for them.
Jeremy Gudze
1/2G Classroom Teacher
Bulli Public School
The 2nd graders from Mäntykankaan koulun in Kokkola, Finland are making and sharing art with the 1st and 2nd graders from Bulli Public School in Bulli, Australia.
"The Early Bird Gets The Word"
2019, 2nd Grade, FinlandComment“Hello! Here are we in Mäntykangas School in Kokkola, Finland 2a. We would like to tell about ourselves with 3 words. We will take some photos for you with mirrors on Friday. The weather is so awful today and I am afraid, it is raining for a long.... anyways, lots of love.”
Curiosity, Bravery, Perseverance
Olemme tutustuneet vahvuuksiin, joita itsessämme tunnistamme ja löydämme. Oppilaat saivat valita kolme erilaista vahvuutta, joilla haluavat kertoa itsestään australiaisille ystävillemme. Luokassamme vieraili tiistaina myös suuri joukko australialaisia rehtoreita, joille esittelimme projektiamme. Käänsimme vahvuudet englanniksi ja liitimme kuviimme englanninkieliset tekstit. Luokassani on useita tehostettua tukea tarvitsevaa lasta, joten jo tämä edellä mainittu on ollut haastavaa ja vienyt tavattoman paljon aikaa. Emme ole vieläkään päässet ulos valokuvaamaan, koska mm. vierailujen ja koulun muun ohjelman ja yhteisten päällekkäisten projektien takia on ollut talossamme hyvin kiireistä ja koulupäivät sirpaleisia. Olin itse 3 päivää pois The Early Bird Gets The Word- varhennetun englannin kielen koulutuksessa ja senkin takia pakka on hieman sekaisin luokassani. Projekti pääsi alun alkaen myöhässä alkamaan, koska asian käsittely ja luvan (maksusitoumuksen saanti) koulun johdossa viipyi. Nyt on ollut kaksi oppilaiden arviointikeskusteluviikkoa ja olen tavannut jokaisen lapsen vanhemmat koulupäivän jälkeen . Olen kertonut projektista ja kysellyt kuvauslupia. Kaikilta en ole vieläkään saanut vastausta.
Sää on ollut pari päivää myrskyisä ja sateinen, emmekä senkään takia ole päässeet vielä kuvaamaan ipadeilla ulkona. Odottelen valokuvaaja, kuvataiteilija Joni Virtaselta vastausta, milloin hän ehtii tulla luokkaamme opettamaan kuvausta ja kertomaan ammatistaan. Vahvuuksia olemme käsitellet joka päivä eri oppiaineissa. ( Olen kuvataideopettaja, mutta myös perusopetuksen luokanopettaja, joten projektista olisi helppo tehdä kokonaisuus, jos ei olisi nyt niin paljon muuta opetusta rajoittavaa toimintaa koulussamme.
Viikko 42 on syyslomaviikko ja viikko 43 uimaopetusviikko, jolloin kävelemme joka päivä uimahallille uimaopetukseen ja takaisin, joten niillä viikoilla ei taideopetusta voi pitää. Toivottavasti saamme kuvat otetuksi ensi viikolla, ettemme jää projektista enempää jälkeen. Tahti tuntuu tälle integraatioluokalleni aika kiireiseltä. Jos olisi vain tämä projekti normaaliopetuksen tukena, suoriutuisimme aikataulussa, mutta nyt on tässä yhtälössä ollut liian monta muuttujaa. Pahoittelen!
Kaikesta huolimatta olemme projektista innoissamme ja on todella ihanaa tutustua australialaiseen kouluun projektin kautta. Kartasta olemme jo tutkineet, missä Bullin koululaiset fyysisesti ovat ja australian eläimiin mm.kenguruihin, vesinokkaeläimiin, vompatteihin ja nokkasiiliin tutustuimme ympäristöopin tunnilla.
Olemme myös ihastelleet sitä vauhtia, joilla nykyään saa ihan reaaliajassa yhteyden toiselle puolelle maapalloa. Rehtori mrs Paker lähetti Bullin koululle sähköpostia luokassamme ja sai samantien vastauksen! Kaikkein riemukkainta oli tutustua Bullin koulun lähettämiin kuviin ja kertomukseen projektin toteuttamisesta! ´Täällä sateen ja myrskyn keskellä totsesimme, että toisella puolella maailmaa onkin kesä! Onnittelemme Australiaa naisten keihäänheiton maailmanmestaruudesta. Keihäänheitto on aikaisemmin ollut meidän suomalaisten laji ja nyt te saitte mestaruuden! Great!
Tapaan vielä tänään australialaiset rehtorit toisen taideprojektini merkeissä. Teemme Kokkola 400v. juhlan kunniaksi rintamerkkejä paikallisessa ravintolassa illallisen jälkeen.
Lots of love,
Auli ja 2a
Love, Forgiveness, Bravery
We have gotten to know the strengths we identify and find within ourselves. The students were given three different strengths to tell about themselves to our Australian friends. On Tuesday, a large group of Australian principals also visited our class to present our project. We translated our strengths into English and included English texts in our pictures. We have a number of students with special needs in our classroom, so the above has been challenging and time-consuming. We still can't get out of photography because visits and the rest of the school program and common overlapping projects have made our house very busy and school days fragmented. I was 3 days away in The Early Bird Gets The Word Early English Training and that's why the pack is a bit messy in my class. The project started late due to delays in processing and obtaining permission (commitment) from the school management. Now it's been two weeks students' evaluation of the debate, and I have met with the parents after the school day for each child. I have told about the project and asking description permits. I still haven't got an answer from everyone.
The weather has been turbulent and rainy for a couple of days, and we haven't been able to shoot it on the ipads for a while either. I'm waiting for photographer, visual artist Joni Virtanen to answer when he will come to our class to teach photography and tell us about his profession. We deal with strengths every day in different subjects. (I'm an art teacher, but also basic education teacher, so the project would be easy to make a whole, if it were not now so much more restrictive teaching activities at our school.
Week 42 is Autumn Holiday Week and Week 43 is a swimming lessons week, where we go to the swimming pool every day for swimming lessons and back, so there is no art education in those weeks. We hope we get the pictures taken next week so we won't miss the project any more. The pace seems quite busy for my integration class. If only this project were to support normal education, we would be on schedule, but now there have been too many variables in this equation. I apologize!
Nonetheless, we are excited about the project and it is really wonderful to get to know the Australian school through the project. From the map, we've already explored where Bull's schoolchildren are physically located, and we've learned about Australian animals such as kangaroos, waders, waders and bumble bees in an environmental lesson.
We have also admired the speed with which you can now connect to the other side of the globe in real time. Principal Mrs. Paker emailed Bull's school in our classroom and received a reply immediately! The most joyful thing was to see the pictures sent by the Bulli School and the story of the project! 'Here in the midst of rain and storm, we said it was summer on the other side of the world! Congratulations to Australia on the world championship in women's spear throwing. Spear throwing has been our Finn's kind in the past and now you got the championship! Great!
I still meet Australian principals today for my second art project. We make Kokkola 400v. to celebrate the badges with a badge at a local restaurant after dinner.
Lots of love,
Auli ja 2a
Perseverance, Leadership Skills, Sense of Humour
The 2nd graders from Mäntykankaan koulun in Kokkola, Finland are making and sharing art with the 1st and 2nd graders from Bulli Public School in Bulli, Australia.
The kids in NYC kick off their friendship with their new pen pals in Helsinki!
2018, 2nd Grade, 7 years old, 8 years olds, Finland, USACommentAmanda Sainsott and her class of 2nd graders from Manhattan, NY have started an exchange with Arlene Tucker and her 1st graders in Helsinki, Finland!
The letters were full of warmth, excitement, and unexpected details about themselves and where they live. Such great questions they asked! The students also included pictures they drew. We could catch a glimpse of what their homes look like and where they like to play.
Reading their letters made me want to go visit all the lovely parks, zoos, and experience the bustle of the city myself!
Let’s see where the conversation and collaboration will go!
The students in Grade 2 (7-8 years old) at NEST+m in NYC are making and sharing art with the Grade 1 students at Ressun peruskoulu (7-8 years old) in Helsinki, Finland.
Taizhou Pheonix Primary School translate their environment!
2018, China, FinlandCommentThe children in our class enjoy sharing things with me very much. This is no exception, the school take three days off for the Chinese traditional Qingming festival (清明节). Qingming festival, it is spring back to the earth, people sweep the tomb, a young and old in the middle reaches of the nature, home conveniently fold a few branches and leaves bud of willow branches on his head, happy.
Also, some people specially during the Qingming festival to nature to enjoy and appreciate the vibrant spring scenery, watching the spring scenery. We Taizhou area in many places and dragon boat racing, dragon dance and other traditional activities, so most of the children choose and their parents to visit, observe all kinds of activities.
After returning from the holiday, many students shared their photos with the class. We sat together and talked to each other about the fun of the holiday and the beauty we enjoyed. Then find a quiet environment to record your feelings, easy to share with you.
Miss Wu Juehua
The artists in Grade 2 (8-9 years old) at Taizhou Pheonix Primary School in Jiangsu, China are making and sharing art with the artists at Linguajoy (7-10 years old) in Helsinki, Finland.
油菜花. Rapeseed Flowers.
I See You! Swedish students stop to take a closer look.
China, Finland, 7 years old, 8 years olds, 9 years old, 10 years oldCommentIn a small classroom in Finland students stop, take a moment, and visually explore photos of kids attending school in China. They see, if only for a few moments the visual characteristics and features of the child in the photograph. Using tracing paper the students traced the figures out of the photographs and onto a piece of paper. They added color to the students along with their own artistic touches. Throughout the process the students were encouraged to look closely at the photographs and asked; What did they see? Who is in the picture? What can you learn about them, what is the image telling you? Once the drawing were completed I transcribed short letters from each artist to the child in the photograph. They explained short things about themselves such as their favorite foods and hobbies.
Now they eagerly await for the exchanging of artworks.
Rachel Kangas
The artists in Grade 2 (8-9 years old) at Taizhou Pheonix Primary School in Jiangsu, China are making and sharing art with the artists at Linguajoy (7-10 years old) in Helsinki, Finland.
Stirring the imagination!
2017, 2016, 2nd Grade, Finland, RussiaCommentArtworks from the artists at Кепская школа им. Ортье Степанова (Kepa School) in Karelia, Russia
We received wonderful works from Russia and many of the class in SVK were inspired by them. This time we did the environment and the means of transportation. Children made their means of transportation and the environment. The work from Russia ( underground mine and diamonds) stirred kids imagination. Many did the imaginative diamond world as their destination.
The artists from 2B at Suomalais-venäläinen koulu are making and sharing art with the artists from Кепа школу (Kepa School) in Karelia, Russia.
Artworks from Suomalais-venäläinen koulu
Hearing sounds like walking in the snow
2017, 6 years old, 7 years old, 8 years olds, Dear You Art Workshops, Iceland, South AfricaCommentThey closed their eyes and to make sure no one was using their eyes, they put their hats over their eyes as you can see on the pictures attached.
Some of them were „hearing“ sound of nature, like wind and walking in the snow, but most of them thought of sounds of machines, washing machine, cars, hammer and also f. ex shouting of their sisters and brothers at home.
They were trying their best – and they could stay quiet while they listened.
Guðný and Halla.
The 1st and 2nd graders from Grunnskóli Fjallabyggðar in Siglufjörður, Iceland are making and sharing art with the preschoolers from Oakdale Preschool in Cape Town.
From Candy Land Finland to Karelia!
2016, 2nd Grade, 8 years olds, Finland, RussiaCommentHi Arlene! Yesterday we did the workshop in SVK with 2b class. I think everyone was interested in mobiles. I showed them the mobiles the Karelian kids made. There wad no letter from Russia. I think our workshop went fluently because everyone could make their favorite character in the environment that they like.
Everybody had different approaches to their environment. A few girls drew their favorite pets or just animals and the environment was candy land. Some drew magic land without characters, I thin there was Rapunzel and her tower in one drawing. Many drew animation and game characters.
Kristina Laine
The artists from Кепская школа им. Ортье Степанова (Kepa School) in Karelia, Russia are making and sharing art with the artists from 2B at Suomalais-venäläinen koulu.
The perfect picnic!
2016, 2nd Grade, Dear You Art Workshops, Collective Art, Finland, USACommentHow happy we were when the table cloth arrived! It is a beautiful piece – and the fish is so appropriate because here we love fish and Siglufjörður is famous for fish industry (herring industry) in the past. And also now, although we don´t fish herring still. We have already had picnic twice and used that beautiful tablecloth, as you can see on the pictures. It was quite a good idea to have the names of the kids on the cloth, then their friends could sit at the „right“ place.
All the projects in the Dear you work have been inspiring and brought out creative thinking – good for both children and teachers. We would be happy to take part next year, it would be better not to start in August/Sept. .... maybe January would be good for us like this year. Tomorrow is the last day of school for the kids, but teachers will be working until 9th of June.
Thank you Kathleen and Arlene!
All the best,
Halla and Guðný.
The 1st and 2nd graders at Grunnskóli Fjallabyggðar in Siglufjörður, Iceland are making and sharing art with the 2nd graders at Amy Parks Heath Elementary School in Heath, Texas.
Come out for a picnic with us!
2016, 2nd Grade, Dear You Art Workshops, Iceland, USA, 1st GradeCommentNow we have almost finished the table cloth, the gift to our friends in Texas. The kids are so proud of their work! We had a lot of fun doing the project „Come have a bite to eat with me“, and the kids liked thinking that their friends abroad would go out for a picnic using the table cloth that was made here in Iceland. Ithas lively, happy colours as we would like to feel when we go out together and have a good meal!
On Wednesday, we will have a school exhibition where the kids are showing their work to their parents and inhabitants of our town are invited. We really want to have the cloth there for them to introduce this wonderful project to them. After that we will send it to you.
Best wishes to you all,
Halla and Guðný
The 1st and 2nd graders at Grunnskóli Fjallabyggðar in Siglufjörður, Iceland are making and sharing art with the 2nd graders at Amy Parks Heath Elementary School in Heath, Texas.
A beautiful place for your meal!
2016, 2nd Grade, Collective Art, Dear You Art Workshops, Dear You Workshop Leader, Iceland, USACommentPrintmaking and putting it to use is not only fun, but so rewarding for everybody. In this case, the Texans' friend in Iceland will enjoy their food even more when looking at such lovely designs!
Kathleen Finan and her group of 2nd graders at Amy Parks Heath Elementary School in Heath, Texas are making and sharing with the 1st and 2nd graders at Grunnskóli Fjallabyggðar in Siglufjörður, Iceland.




Abstract paintings from Texas
2016, 2nd Grade, Dear You Art Workshops, Iceland, USACommentWe enjoyed creating our abstract painting, without using a brush, while listening to music. We were unable to walk around and find natural items to paint with so I put out drinking straws, Q-tips, and wooden popsicle sticks to paint with. We listened to the music then I demonstrated a few ways to use our new painting tools. The children had a fun time listening to the music and painting.
Kathleen Finan
The 2nd graders at Amy Parks Heath Elementary School in Heath, Texas are making and sharing with the 1st and 2nd graders at Grunnskóli Fjallabyggðar in Siglufjörður, Iceland.




After the storm in Siglufjörður...
2016, 2nd Grade, 8 years olds, Dear You Art Workshops, Iceland, USACommentThe day after a big storm in Siglufjörður we went out to see what the wind had brought us. The ground had been all white the previous days because it had been snowing every day for many days. But that morning the snow was not white, it was covered with pine needles and branches from trees and all kind of stuff that the kids picked up. When they were painting they were thinking of the sound of the storm which brought us all this. We had all kinds of sounds, whispering, whistling, banging and heavy/vigorous sounds.
Below are pictures of the artist's work and also one picture taken before the storm, where the kids in 1-4th grade are outside by their snow-fort. As you can see spring has not come here yet, though we have had good weather the last days.
By, by Halla and Gyðný
The 1st and 2nd graders at Grunnskóli Fjallabyggðar in Siglufjörður, Iceland are making and sharing art with the 2nd graders at Amy Parks Heath Elementary School in Heath, Texas.
From Iceland to Texas, with love!
2016, 2nd Grade, 1st Grade, Dear You Art Workshops, Iceland, USACommentHere are pictures of the work, tomorrow the books will be sent to Texas. The kids have had much fun doing the books. They introduced their book to the class, keeping it a secret which food they had chosen. The class was guessing and they were very excited, and in the end the secret came out.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to take part in this, and it is also great to see it on Facebook.
Love, Halla and Guðný
The 1st and 2nd graders at Grunnskóli Fjallabyggðar in Siglufjörður, Iceland are making and sharing art with the 2nd graders at Amy Parks Heath Elementary School in Heath, Texas.
Looking very closely to find...
2016, 2nd Grade, Dear You Art Workshops, USA, IcelandCommentMy students used magnifying glasses to find interesting patterns on their hands and arms. We all made heart shape finger prints to see the different line patterns on our thumbs. Then I let them lose to create a mask with patterns they found on their body.
Kathleen Finan
The 2nd graders at Amy Parks Heath Elementary School in Heath, Texas are making and sharing with the 1st and 2nd graders at Grunnskóli Fjallabyggðar in Siglufjörður, Iceland.
There's a warm spot for everybody
2015, 2nd Grade, Austria, Dear You Art Workshops, EstoniaCommentDear Arlene!
Our post is on the way to Estland!
It was really funny to see what children are producing with the new theme.
There are different places where they feel good. Some of them love to be in nature or with animals, some of them only love to be at home.
But have a look and you will see nice and funny places to be!! :)
Best wishes from Vienna!
Simone Zobl
Simone Zobl and her group of second graders from Evangelischen Volksschule am Karlsplatz in Vienna, Austria are making and sharing art with Aili Vassil and her group of second graders from Mooste Põhikool in Mooste, Estonia.
Hallo from Mooste
2015, 2nd Grade, Austria, Dear You Art Workshops, EstoniaCommentOur kids liked the October project immediately. Everyone had fun and the ideas came very quickly. It was interesting to create a world of Pop-up for our friend!
Aili Vassil
Aili Vassil and her group of second graders from Mooste Põhikool in Mooste, Estonia are making and sharing art with the second graders from Evangelischen Volksschule am Karlsplatz in Vienna, Austria.



